Announcement of the book "10.000 miniatures de parfum"

Announcement of the book "10.000 miniatures de parfum"


Friends collectors,

I just give you news of the progress of the book 10,000 miniatures de parfum..
Compared with previous announcements and in response to some questions I am pleased to confirm or clarify the following points:

Stay informed
You can now register directly on the dedicated newsletter (of course without commitment) using this link:
Newsletter on the publication of the "10.000 miniatures"


There will be 10,000 different miniatures referenced.
Each thumbnail will be photographed individually, of course except special presentations.
In the vast majority of cases each thumbnail will be accompanied by the box.
A full description will be given and an indicative quotation.


I don't read french.

The bulk of the book consists of photographs. The descriptions are easy to understand even if you do not understand French. In fact they consist of the names of brands and products and a set of abbreviations that will be translated at the beginning of the book.

You can already consult an indicative layout by clicking on this link.

(Please note this is a rather large PDF file you will have to wait some time before you can see it, you must also have Acrobat Reader or equivalent software can open .pdf file).

Unlike previous works there will be only one part in which the thumbnails will be carefully classified by manufacturers and brands.

Also note that I'm working on this book with Jean-Claude Gelinier. It is one of the largest French collectors and has already participated in other books on the same theme.
It ensures, in particular, the realization of high-quality photos.
(Incidentally I take this opportunity to tell you he has thousands of miniatures for sale or swap and proposes a list on request to

I've published dozens of photos in Facebook albums. You can find them on the page dedicated (please make an "invitation to become a friend" if we are not yet "friends") or directly access the album through the following links :

Album 5

Album 4

Album 3

Album 2

Album 1.


Pagination is provided almost 500 pages (464 pages). (The previous "8000 miniatures" contained only 285 pages.)
This naturally does not represent all existing miniature (probably over 30,000) but it is still the most ambitious project, the largest and most complete ever made in the world in this field.

The quality of the book will be excellent with a print provided on a superb 135g semi-matte paper. The work will be carried out by a printer with whom I worked for over 20 years.
The first draw is set at 2,000 copies.

I must admit that I had underestimated a lot the working time necessary both for taking snapshots for all the steps (especially important work of long and meticulous layout). It now appears that I had imprudently advanced the deadline for the end of 2015 in previous announcements.
Sorry to disappoint those who hoped for Christmas.
The release is now scheduled for April 2016, that date is normally reliable. (An amendment to this effect was made on previous communications).
So you can set it as a gift for Mother's Day or Father's Day!

The schedule is as follows:
December: finalization of texts and pictures
January: proofreading completion, correction sent to the printer.
February: Layout
March-April: printing, shaping, implementation.

I will maintain at all times maximum transparency on project progress and you will be regularly informed through Facebook or newsletter (if you are registered course).

It is difficult to find a publisher for these days. The work is funded, published and distributed by me via my company Forum Cartes et Collections
(To answer some: Milan editions are not involved in the project).

How to buy it ?

It will be sold live on the site and on Amazon.

There are no subscription / presale / reservation yet.
It is possible, (I hesitate) , I will offer a subscription for a month or two before publication, I will inform you in due course.


Posted on 10/09/2015 by Jean-Michel COURSET 3957

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